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The Lester Horton Technique

 During the 1920's, 30's, and 40's, Lester Horton was at the peak of his choregraphy. He based his style of dance on Native American studies and other influential movements. He had the first dance company to have intergration in Los Angeles during 1948. It later closed in 1960.


As for Horton's technique, it consist of a series of Flat Backs, Lateral Streaches, Tilt Lines, and Lunges. The purpose for this was to show the different ways in which the body moves. For example a "Lateral T"  is when you lean forward and your body looks like as if its a T shape.


His techniques are still used today and are widely popular across the nation. It is examplified in Alvin Ailey's dance company currently.


Picture of Alexis Mack

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