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The Graham Technique

At the end of the 1920's, dancers who followed the rebellous nature of those before them established there own dance companies as well discorvering and creting new techniques. Martha Graham believed in using the body for a creative nature. She found the pulse of your breath to be the primary soucre of dance. Martha Graham found that by elongating the spinal cord, exxagerating your breath, and displaying the contraction of the torso it would display the conflict within your inner self.


  Alongside Graham was Doris Humphrey. Her stlye of dance demonstrated the imbalance and blance betweem gravity; The Fall and The Recover. These two dances, as well as the choreographers, put together a dance so dramatic and dynamic that it was clear to the audience that the infliction of the common emotions- pain, anger, and sadness were still being displayed by the grace the dancers on the stage.


 Martha Graham studied cultures such as Americana, Greek Mythology, and Old Testement. She believed "Music is the framework for dance". While Humphrey focused more on the sound of dance. In 1924, a show was performed with no music besides the sound of the dancers breathe and even sometimes the sound of histerical laughter to display different stages of conflict. These techniques are used to today in modern dance companies all across the world.


 Martha Graham's teehnique is called in the world of dance "The foundation of Modern Dance". She wrote in an essay in 1937 "The Platform for Amerian Dance" . A dance reveals the spirit of the country in which it takes root. "No sooner does it fail to do this than it loses its integrity and significance,”. Mrs. Graham and this stlye of dance is what can be proclaimed as timeless. In the late 1920's, her dance touched bases with the pyschological, emotinal, and sexual struggles of Americans at the time.


  Throughout Mrs. Dunham's lifetime she has created 181 dance compositions. Some of her last words were “I have spent all my life with dance and being a dancer,” she said. “It’s permitting life to use you in a very intense way. Sometimes it is not pleasant. Sometimes it is fearful. But nevertheless it is inevitable.” (

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