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The History of Modern Dance

By: Alexis Mack

   Modern dance began in the twentieth century and it took a turn for a great beginning. Modern dance is an experssion of art and music, it is used in experimental development. Isadora Ducan , Loie Fuller, and Ruth St. Denis were the pioneers and conductors of this new found genre of dance. This style rebelled against the fundatmental normalities of Ballet. Each of there goals were to show their viewing audience the inner realities as well as the outer; in a more free way of expression, they were now modern dancers. 


 Isadoa Ducan, introduced her style of dance; free dance to an intrugued audience wearing only simple tunic with images of greek figurines on them that examplified her movement. She suprised audiences with her ability to flow with natural movement and move abstractly to the music as her motivating force for her performance. Although while her technique was visually abstract her choice of music was not. She chose works from those, such as Beethoven, to help her new emotion filled genre. This improvalsational style of dance was far to abstract for direct succesors to lead, some did imitate the style. 


 Loie Fuller and Alwin Nicolas were also dancers of the new genre. Although, they were not as abstract as Ms. Duncan, they kept the free nature of it all. They would try different techniques and formulas to demostrate; The Flame, The Butterfly, and The Flower. This technique was significant in the history of dance until the 1960's.


Ruth St. Denis used ritual routines from cultures, such as Asian, Native American , and other ethinic groups as well imitating the improvisational nature already established and used the elaborate costumes of the different cultures. 




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